Monday, November 18, 2013

Four Walls and a Leaky Roof Temporarily Unavailable

I found some errors. I was devastated, as though I had a leaky roof and no way to repair it. I panicked. Humiliation rained down on me, so much so that my husband wrote an essay, “The Day My Wife Became Neurotic.” He assured me that there are almost always errors in books; that people read for content, not errors. However, I was obsessed with fixing the roof.

My publisher, Createspace came to the rescue with a computer, not a hammer. With a click of a key, production was stopped. Repairs are being made. I am so impressed. Createspace is user friendly. Calls are answered quickly, the editors competent and expedient. Occasionally I even get one to laugh.

During this turmoil, I read Louise Erdrich’s award winning novel, The Round House. An Indian woman is raped and it is not possible to bring the white perpetrator to trial. Written in the voice of the woman’s thirteen-year-old son, it is he who sees that justice is served. A riveting story. Perhaps because I was in editing mode, I noticed five errors. I'm relieved to report that the errors did not detract from my enjoyment of Erdrich’s book.

Four Walls and a Leaky Roof should be life in about three weeks. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


The day before I was to read from my novel at the Tecumseh Library, long time writing friends, Peggy Singer, Susan Morales and I were sitting around my dining room table. I was lamenting the fact that I had no book to display at the reading. As if on cue, the doorbell rang! Peggy snapped a  picture.

Four Walls and a Leaky Roof is now life on Createspace, soon available on Amazon. It took four years to build four walls. I hope the roof holds.